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Annual General Meeting Notice

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Liverpool Chamber of Commerce CIC will be held on Wednesday 2 March 2022, from 12 noon at Malmaison Liverpool, 7 William Jessop Way, Liverpool L3 1QZ

The Agenda for the Annual General Meeting is:

  1. To formally adopt amendments to the Chamber’s articles of association
    Special Resolution: THAT the articles of association appended to the notice of the meeting and then presented to the meeting be adopted as the articles of association of the Company in substitution for, and to the exclusion of, the Company’s existing articles of association.”
  2. To elect the President of the Chamber;
    Resolution: “THAT the Chamber elect Lord Derby as the Chamber President”
  3. To elect the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Chamber;
    Resolution: “THAT the Chamber elect Neil Ashbridge as Chair and Sue Grindrod as Vice-Chair”
  4. To receive the report of the Board;
  5. To receive the Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet and the Report of the Auditors;
  6. To receive the annual community interest report; and
  7. To appoint and fix the remuneration of the Auditors for the 2021-22 financial year.
    “THAT the Chamber appoints BWM as auditors for the 2021-22 financial year”

If any members of Liverpool Chamber of Commerce would like to attend the AGM, then they should email Pre-booking by Monday 28th February is required to confirm attendance.

The requisite documents for this meeting will be circulated to all attendees in advance.

The Liverpool Chamber President’s Lunch will take place immediately following the AGM.

Tickets to this two-course lunch are priced at £50 + VAT each. Directors, Committee members, and a representative of each Strategic Partner and Patron member of the Chamber will each receive a complimentary ticket to this event, which can be claimed by contacting