World Museum
Petite Ullaloom Experience: Winds of Change
27 October 2021, 11am – 1pm
Are you brilliant, bold with a belly full of adventure? Thought so!
Know what a puzzle jug is? Didn’t think so! Then join Winny Mill as she learns about Windmills in Liverpool and Delft Pottery from a very unusual guest! Suitable for families and the young at heart. Part of Culture Liverpool’s ‘Very Public Art’ commission, Winds of Change is a working windmill installation due to appear on William Brown Street to celebrate the past, present and future of St George’s Quarter, its links to industry and the development of the city of Liverpool as a whole. Join Petite Ullaloom as they weave stories for families to tell the tales and explore the history of our Street, formally known as Shaw’s Brow.
African Arts: Storytelling, Music and Dance
28 and 29 October 2021
Join urban griot and master drummer Karim Mbaye, of Agida African Arts, for traditional Senegalese stories brought to life using African musical instruments including the drum and kora. Families will have the chance to watch drum performances, listen to traditional stories from Senegal, and be able to get hands on with dance workshops and try out traditional African musical instruments.
29 October 2021, 6:30 – 9pm
An event for those interested in the Night Sky and Space Exploration, aimed at adults and older children aged 8 and above. There will be some activities for younger siblings as well. The evening will be packed with lectures, planetarium shows, telescopes to view through and practical demonstrations on a variety of space related topics, suitable for all levels of interest.
This will be a good opportunity to see our new Planetarium in action and to meet some real space scientists. You will not have to be there at the start at 5pm but can join in at any time in the evening as long as you have your advance ticket.
Day of the Dead (Día de Muertos)
30 and 31 October 2021, 11am – 5pm
Join us in marking Dia de Muertos with LUMA Creations. Dia de Muertos, or the Day of the Dead is celebrated throughout Latin America. A wonderful way to remember those who are no longer with us. Come along to find out more about Mexican customs and traditions, listen to the LUMA Quintet filling our atrium with the sound of Latin American music and watch LUMA’s own puppet Little Ears tell short stories about the celebration.
Walker Art Gallery
Family Art Club
23 October 2021, 10:30am – 12:30pm
Our popular family art club is re-launching! Is your child aged between 7 and 12? Do they love art and being creative? If so then family art club is perfect for you. Together we will explore the gallery, experiment with different materials and learn new skills. No experience is necessary and all materials will be provided. More dates for this session will be released soon – please check the website for details.
Saturday Studio at the Walker Art Gallery
23 October 2021, 1:30 – 3pm
Saturday Studio is an informal session for 12–16-year-olds who enjoy being creative. So, why not come along and explore some new art techniques with our galleries team? No experience is necessary and all materials will be provided. More dates for this session will be confirmed soon so please check the website for more details.
Craft and Create at the Walker Art Gallery: Winds of Change
26 and 27 October 2021, 1pm – 4pm
The Winds of Change installation on William Brown Street takes inspiration from the windmills and the potteries that stood along William Brown Street when it was known as Shaw’s Brow. At our Craft and Create sessions this half term we will be taking inspiration from our own collection of Delftware and Liverpool Porcelain to decorate a piece of crockery. Suitable for ages 5+. These sessions operate on a drop-in basis and you may be asked to come back later at a busy time.
Big Art in the Gallery
Daily – Tuesday to Sunday, 11am – 4pm
Unfortunately, Big Art for Little Artists is currently closed but we will be running sessions for little ones in our sculpture gallery instead! Bring your under 5s to one of our 30-minute session where we will be offering the two most loved Big Art activities, crafting and stories. Please note spaces are limited and you will need to collect a FREE ticket from the information desk on the day of your visit.
Museum of Liverpool
Rainbow Bridge Craft
23 October 2021, 11am – 12:30pm and 26 October 2021, 1:30 – 4pm
In celebration of the River of Light festival along the waterfront, we invite you to come and write your own positive message to add to our own ‘rainbow bridge’ at the Museum of Liverpool. Watch the rainbow grow as more people write their inspirational messages to create a positive rainbow bridge for all to see. Collect a ticket on the day from the welcome desk.
Little Liverpool
Daily, timed slots between 11am and 2:45pm
Our Little Liverpool gallery is crammed with fun activities for children. It is the perfect place to introduce little ones to the Museum of Liverpool. Suitable for accompanied children aged 6 and under. Collect a free timed ticket at the welcome desk and prepare to have some fun.
Family Concert
26 October 2021, 10:15 – 11am
Rise Trio lead a fun and interactive music session for babies and pre-school children and their families and carers. Get ready to sing, dance and play percussion instruments!
Suitable for ages 0-3. Collect a ticket on the day from the welcome desk.
All Ages Family Concert
26 October 2021, 11:30am – 12:15pm
Rise Trio performs a fun and interactive concert for you to play, sing and dance along to. Pip, Mickey and Hedi play some traditional and well-known songs for all the family to enjoy.
All ages are welcome. Collect a ticket on the day from the welcome desk.
Lego Masterbuild: Beatles Album Cover Mosaic
27 October 2021, 10am – 12pm and 1 – 4pm, 28 October 2021, 10am – 12pm and 1 – 5pm, and 29 October 2021, 10am – 12pm and 1 – 4pm
Join Steve Guinness (aka The Brick Consultant) in making a truly spectacular LEGO Mosaic of the iconic Abbey Road Beatles Album cover. This is a free activity, with children and adults welcome to join in with some hands-on family fun. No need to book; just come along between the 27th-29th October and get involved. The completed build will contain over 16,500 LEGO bricks! Steve is a master-builder, LEGO Ideas fan designer, and winner of the Channel 4 LEGOMasters TV series. Not suitable for children under 3.
Staged Khaos Performance
29 October 2021, 2 – 2:30pm
Staged Kaos CIC are a social enterprise based in Liverpool 8. With a focus on creative growth to develop confidence and social awareness, they look to empower children to become future leaders by equipping them with the skills to make positive choices. Watch a high energy performance by young members of Staged Khaos at the Museum of Liverpool.
Liverpool Irish Festival: Family Day
30 October 2021, 11am – 4pm
Join us for a full building takeover with music, storytelling, and drama from the Armagh Rhymers, George Ferguson School of Irish Dance, the Bolger-Cunningham School of Irish Dance and Samhain craft. All events are drop in and no need to book.
Maritime Museum
Titanic: A Race to the Rescue
23 October 2021, 1:30 – 2pm, 2:30 – 3pm, 3:30 – 4pm
On 15 April 1912 the loss of Titanic shook the world. But what of the Carpathia, the ship that rescued the survivors? Find out about the experiences of first-class passenger Hope Chaplin, on board the little liner which made history that night, which will be brought to life by our roleplayer in this performance. Suitable for all adults and children over 7. Drop in, no ticket required. Limited spaces available on a first come, first served basis.
Polar: The Titanic Bear
24 October 2021, 11:30am, 1pm, 2pm and 3pm
Come and listen to the adventures of Polar the Titanic bear with our storyteller. This tale is based on a story originally written by Titanic survivor Daisy Corning Stone Spedden for her son, Douglas, about his adventures on board the famous ship with his favourite toy bear.
Suitable for families with children 5+. Drop in, no ticket required. Limited spaces available on a first come, first served basis.
Creepy Crafts
26 October 2021, 11am – 12noon and 1 – 4pm, and 31 October 11am – 12noon and 1 – 4pm
Get ready for Halloween with our creepy crafts to make and take home. Don’t be scared, come and enjoy this fun family activity! Suitable for families with children aged 5+.
Drop in, no ticket required. Limited spaces available on a first come, first served basis.
The Old Dock Tour
27, 29 and 30 October 2021 at 10:30am, 12noon and 2:30pm
The popular Old Dock tours are back! Discover the origin of Liverpool’s fortune, buried underneath Liverpool ONE. Revealed during excavations on the site in 2001, the story of the world’s first commercial enclosed wet dock is explored on this guided tour. You will discover how a brave idea and an innovative feat of engineering shaped Liverpool’s destiny forever.
Ghostly Goings On
30 October 2021, 1:30 – 2pm, 2:30 – 3pm, 3:30 – 4pm
Keep a look out for this earie Edwardian in our Titanic gallery. They have some strange tales to tell – if you are brave enough to listen! Suitable for all adults and children over 7.
Drop in, no ticket required. Limited spaces available on a first come, first served basis.
Close Up on: Smugglers
31 October 2021, 1:15 – 3:15pm
Discover some of the ingenious ways smugglers have hidden contraband and illegal goods. Get close up with some of the objects seized from smugglers by the UK Border Force and find out how these innocent-looking items were used to hide smuggled goods. Looks can be very deceiving! Suitable for families with children aged 5+. Drop in, no ticket required. Limited spaces available on a first come, first served basis.
International Slavery Museum
Close Up on: Slavery, Abolition and Activism
24 October 2021, 11am – 12noon and 1:30 – 3:30pm
We cannot understand the modern world without learning about the impact of the Transatlantic Slave Trade and its many legacies. This was a major period of trauma, injustice and economic development in global history. Liverpool slave ships carried an estimated 1.5 million enslaved people into a life of brutal slavery and brave resistance, but Liverpool has also been home to abolitionists and activists who have fought for freedom.
Join our Learning & Participation Team as they guide you through the International Slavery Museum’s handling collection, including artefacts that are carriers of history and inspiring examples of resilience and activism. The artefacts and related discussions will be an accurate and honest reflection of the brutality of slavery and racism. Please be advised that people may find this distressing. This event is walk-up, on a first come first served basis.
Lady Lever Art Gallery
Exploring Al-Idrisi – Map Making Workshop
26 and 27 October 2021, 10 – 11:30am and 12:30 – 2pm
This autumn half term, join us to learn about the maps of 12th Century Arab explorer Muhammad Al-Idrisi. Have a go at making your own maps using printmaking and other techniques in this exciting, free workshop with artist Jessica El Mal, as part of the Liverpool Arab Arts Festival cultural education programme. Family workshop for ages 11+. Please see our website for more information on how to book your free tickets.
Craft and Create at the Lady Lever Art Gallery
26 and 27 October 2021, 1pm – 4pm
Join us for some half term fun at our ‘make and take’ family craft session. Create a beautiful Autumnal paper wreaths on Tuesday 26 and a spooktacular house on Wednesday 27. These sessions operate on a drop-in basis and you may be asked to come back later at busy times.
For full listings and information, visit