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Capital Grants for North West SMEs

  • SMEs with a based in the North West of England

  • To support low carbon innovations

  • Further develop new products, processes and services

The Eco-I North West Capital Grant Scheme helps support small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in the progression of business innovation, along the technology readiness levels and the adoption of new technologies, which aid the transition to a low carbon economy. This match-style funding grant can purchase new equipment or technology and its installation, but will not support running or maintenance costs.

This project is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)


The scheme supports the progression of business innovation along the technology readiness levels and the adoption of new technologies. This “simple to apply for” grant can purchase equipment for the creation of components parts of complex systems. It allows the construction of prototypes in a laboratory or for simulated interfaces to existing systems as well as of pilot lines, when necessary for industrial research and notably for generic technology validation. The grant can include the purchase of equipment or technology and its installation, but will not support running or maintenance costs.

In your application form you will be asked to describe the ambition of your project, outline the changes the grant could deliver for your business, the investment that will be made and to quantify the benefits it will deliver to your business and to the environment. ERDF is “funding of last resort” so you will need to show what you can achieve with this funding which was not otherwise possible.

Funding Value

The total value of the project proposed must be no less than £5,000 and no greater than £24,999. Grants are awarded on a 50% or 60% match basis depending on business location. Businesses need to cash flow the full cost and demonstrate funding for the remaining 40% or 50% of cost is available.

If the applying enterprise is VAT registered the costs to be considered will be exclusive of VAT. If the enterprise is not vat registered then the project costs may include the vat.


The grants will only support projects which will be fully completed and fully paid for before the end of March 2023. It is expected that in most cases there will be a single payment of grant. If a project has a staged procurement and installation this will need to be clearly set out in the application but full and final installation must be before March 2023.

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