LIVERPOOL’S homeless support services will be working to support vulnerable people as an amber heat warning is issued from midnight on Sunday.
Periods of hot weather can be dangerous to health and pose a significant risk to people who have a street lifestyle – as they can struggle to keep themselves cool and stay hydrated.
To support vulnerable rough sleepers, Liverpool City Council commissions a range of services, including the Liverpool Assertive Outreach and Response Service (LAORS), delivered by the Whitechapel Centre.
LAORS is a proactive street-based outreach programme, which works to help people who are sleeping rough into accommodation or other support services.
The Outreach Team is operational seven days per week, for up to 22 hours per day.
If anyone is concerned about someone on the streets, they can contact the Always Help Available helpline on 0300 123 2041, which is available 24 hours a day, 365 days per year.
Alternatively, concerns can also be reported online:
Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care, Cllr Frazer Lake said:
“As well as responding to calls and reports made to the helpline, the Outreach Team will be on the streets, proactively visiting places where people are rough sleeping.
“They will be offering help to anyone they find, including a safe place to stay and providing practical support like cold drinks and sunscreen.”
Director of Adult Services and Health, AnneMarie Lubanski said:
“Contacting the Always Help Available Helpline will trigger the quickest response and will get people the help they need from the Outreach Team.
“However, if you see anyone who is unwell and who may be significantly suffering from the effects of the heat, please contact the emergency services.”