TODAY parents and other stakeholders will be able to have their say on more plans to increase the number of places in Liverpool’s special schools.
In December, cabinet gave its approval to consult on proposals which will see more school places for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
Two consultations closed last week on plans to create satellite sites for Bank View and Palmerston schools.
A third statutory consultation has now been launched into a new proposal seeking to establish a satellite for Millstead Primary School at a former school site on Naylorsfield Drive.
Under the proposal, the former school buildings will be refurbished, initially creating places for 40 pupils and the satellite will have the same headteacher and governing body as Millstead Primary. If the proposal is agreed the satellite will be ready for the 2023/24 school year.
The Millstead consultation will end on 23 March and full details can be found on the council’s consultation webpage.
Special schools in Liverpool are under considerable pressure. The city has seen a 46 per cent increase in pupils with education and health care plans since 2019. The rise in numbers means that sometimes children are placed in out-of-city schools or in schools in the independent non-maintained sector.
Cllr Tomas Logan, cabinet member for education and skills, said:
“The proposals for a Millstead satellite will initially create 40 further place for children with severe needs, places which are desperately needed for the next school year.
“The plans we have for our special schools will not only create enough places for the next academic year but will also ensure that we are well positioned to increase places for future years.
“I’d also like to thank everyone who has taken the time to share their feedback during the Palmerston and Bank View consultations which is now being assessed by the team.”