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Changes for voters in Liverpool at May local elections

An information campaign has been launched ahead of this year’s May local elections in Liverpool.

An information campaign has been launched ahead of this year’s May local elections in Liverpool.

Voters are being advised to check their polling cards and be aware of changes at this year’s local elections, which take place on Thursday 4 May.

Voters will now need to provide photo ID when voting a polling station, some ward boundaries have changed and the location of polling stations may be different to previous years. The election will see voters across the city cast their ballots in all-out elections across 64 wards.

Voter ID

New legislation has been introduced by the Government which means that people voting at a polling station will need to show photo ID before being issued with a ballot paper.

Only certain forms of ID can be used. The acceptable forms of ID include:

• A passport issued by the UK, any of the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, a British Overseas Territory, an EEA state or a Commonwealth country

• A driving licence issued in the UK, any of the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, or an EEA state (this includes a provisional driving licence)

• An older person’s travel pass (this must be a national pass with the words ‘funded by HM Government’ on it and not a local Merseytravel pass).

People can use expired photo ID, as long as polling station staff can recognise them from the photo.

The full list of acceptable ID will be set out on polling cards, which will be delivered in early April and the details can also be found at

If a voter doesn’t have an acceptable form of photo ID, they can apply for a Voter Authority Certificate at, by calling 0151 233 3028 or emailing

The deadline for applications for a Voter Authority Certificate is 5pm on Tuesday 25 April, but people are asked to apply as soon as possible if they do not already have an accepted from of photo ID.

Voter ID is not needed to vote by post, but voters do need to be registered for a postal vote – people are urged to apply as soon as possible, and completed applications must be received by the Elections Office by 5pm on Tuesday 18 April. Please visit for more information.

Ward changes

The ward boundaries in Liverpool have changed significantly, following a review carried out by the Local Government Boundary Commission. The redesigned electoral map has 64 wards and 85 councillors, compared with 30 wards and 90 councillors previously.

Most people will be in a new ward and some people will be voting at a new polling station. People are being asked to check their polling card for details. It will include a location map of their polling station.

Voters will be asked to elect one, two, or three councillors, depending on how many elected representatives they will have in their ward.

All-Out Elections

From now on, elections will only be held once every four years, with every seat being contested. The elections will determine the Council’s political make up for the next four years.

Registering to vote

People who are not already on the Electoral Register and want to vote in this year’s local elections need to register by Monday 17 April 2023, at

Further information

Please visit for:

• A full list of acceptable forms of voter ID at polling stations
• Applying for Voter Authority Certificate (if you do not have an acceptable form of voter ID)
• Registering to vote
• Applying for a postal vote
• Information about the polling districts and polling places review

Details of the changes are being sent to every household with Council Tax bills, and those on the Electoral Roll who have previously supplied the Council with an email address will receive information in their inbox.

Liverpool City Council is complementing the Electoral Commission’s voter ID advertising campaign with information on the city’s network of digital screens, in council newsletters, through its stakeholder network and on social media.

Liverpool City Council’s Returning Officer, Theresa Grant, said:

“The changes will affect every voter in the city, so we are working really hard to let people know about them in advance.

“ On polling day, it is essential that residents take the correct voter ID with them, otherwise our staff will not be able to issue them with a ballot paper and they could miss out on being able to vote.

“Please check in advance that you have one of the acceptable forms of ID, and if not, apply for a Voter Authority Certificate.

“All voters need to check their polling card for details of the polling station, because it may now be in a different location.

“Voters also have the option to request a postal vote, but we are asking them to do it sooner rather than later so we can get it processed in good time.

“Collectively, the changes mean these will be the most complex set of elections ever held in Liverpool, but our staff are doing all they can to make sure the process is as smooth as possible.”