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Opinions Matter – Social Value and ESG: the story so far

Kelly Godfrey, Head of Communications & Social Value at Hive Projects

At Hive Projects, our commitment to Social Value and ESG is more than a checkbox – it’s the heartbeat of who we are. From shaping our business growth strategy to selecting clients and even in our recruitment process, Social Value and ESG considerations are woven into the fabric of our decision-making.

It’s about fostering a culture that transcends billable work. Over the past twelve months, we’ve actively set and shaped the ESG agenda for Hive, witnessing it not only grow, but become deeply embedded within our teams. This isn’t a side project; it’s the essence of how we operate.

Hive Projects’ first Social Impact Report is not just a document; it’s a story, a narrative of our journey so far. It encapsulates our unwavering commitment to making a positive impact, serving both as a reflection of our accomplishments to date, and a blueprint for our ambitious future. We hope it will inspire those of you currently looking at how your business can make a positive social impact. You can find out more via the document below.