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Why ESG is important to us

Robin Tudor, Head of PR & Communications at Liverpool John Lennon Airport explains more about the airport’s ESG commitments:

Here at Liverpool John Lennon Airport (LJLA) we have recently published our first annual Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report which sets out a number of corporate objectives for the Airport based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals and highlights a series of commitments alongside challenging but realistic targets to help us meet these commitments which includes our recently announced Airport Community Fund.

The report is also an opportunity to highlight for the first time the diverse range of initiatives that we have undertaken in recent years to help local communities and the environment, to encourage passenger travel for all and to become an employer of choice.

Operating within a strong ESG framework has been a key focus for the airport in recent years, but this is the first time that we have reported on some of our achievements that have benefitted not only passengers, but local communities, the local economy and also the environment.

The airport has undertaken a diverse range of initiatives that include raising £230,000 for Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, donating over 4 tonnes of items to local foodbanks, supporting young people in to work through apprenticeships and reducing our carbon emissions by 69% over the past decade.

We’re really proud of what we’ve been able to achieve in recent years to help local communities, our employees and the environment through various initiatives, but we recognise there is always more that can be done and it’s for this reason that in addition to celebrating our achievements, we set out in this report our ESG commitments going forward, as we strive to have a more beneficial impact in future years too.

One of these is the establishment of an Airport Community Fund, which we have just launched for the first time, with funds set aside to support projects that meet certain criteria to bring a range of benefits for local communities including, enhancing the local environment, educational projects, community improvement projects and various sustainability initiatives. Local groups or organisations are able to apply for grants up to a maximum of £3,000, with applications considered by a Community Fund Management Group, which will include representation by local community representatives.

We know that so much goes on locally by community groups and volunteers perhaps helping friends and neighbours of all ages who may be less fortunate and to creating environments for local communities to enjoy. We’ll be delighted if we can help to make a difference for such groups by providing some much needed financial support to help them continue the fantastic work they already do.