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Grow Your Digital Technology Business Internationally

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” – Sir Arthur C. Clarke

Digital technology transformation is vital for any company aspiring to flourish in today’s global marketplace. Companies specializing in the digital arts are in high demand, as digital services can be pivotal to the success of a business.

Technology is integral to creative design, software applications, media, web platforms, mobile apps, marketing, event management, printing, IT hardware, artificial intelligence, and more. The digital world has leveled the playing field, allowing anyone with a vision to succeed.

The Liverpool Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with Boomerang Carnets® UK, provides ATA Carnets, which can be used to facilitate expansion into international markets, to businesses and services.

The ATA Carnet is an internationally accepted customs document for temporarily exported merchandise, goods, or equipment, allowing cross-border movement of goods import-duty and -tax free in and out of 87+ carnet countries and territories for up to a year. Known as the Merchandise Passport, the ATA Carnet is a unique international trade tool that facilitates easy and affordable access to foreign markets.

Digital Services are in Global Demand

Digital transformation is a necessity in nearly every sector globally. With an ATA Carnet, you can seize opportunities and meet prospects economically and expediently. The savings are significant. Companies of any size can participate as equal contenders in global opportunities. Whether you’re a tech startup or large corporation, optimize your digital services and technological innovations around the world with the use of an ATA Carnet.

Share Your Magic with the World

Monika Jadeszko, Vice President, Global Carnet Operations, recently shared her thoughts on the ATA Carnet to illustrate its extraordinary range and applications.

She said,

“The way I see it, ATA Carnets hold the key to unlock and enable a special kind of magic to happen in the world,”

Expand globally and grow your company or enterprise with the use of an ATA Carnet. Visit to learn more.